Paths of Love: The Discernment of Vocation

Texts of Vatican II cited in the book

Here you will find a compilation of the texts of Vatican II cited or mentioned in the book Paths of Love.

  • The universal call to holiness

    • All the faithful, whatever their condition or state, are called by the Lord, each in his own way, to that perfect holiness whereby the Father Himself is perfect. (Lumen Gentium, ch. 2, n. 11)

  • The value of consecrated virginity should be recognized

    • Chastity "for the sake of the kingdom of heaven" (Mat 19:12), which religious profess, should be esteemed as a surpassing gift of grace. For it frees man's heart in a unique fashion (cf. 1 Cor. 7:32–35) so that it may be more inflamed with love for God and for all men, and thus is a special sign of heavenly goods and a most fitting means by which religious devote themselves readily to the divine service and to apostolate works. Thus they call to the mind of all Christians that wonderful marriage by which the Church has Christ as its only bridegoom, a marriage established by God and to be fully manifested in the age to come. (Perfectae Caritatis, n. 12.)

      Seminarians who according to the holy and firm laws of their own rite follow the venerable tradition of priestly celibacy, are to be carefully educated for this state, in which, renouncing conjugal union for the sake of the kingdom of heaven (cf. Mat. 19:12), they cling to God with an undivided love intimately in harmony with the new convinent, they offer witness of the future world of the resurrection, and obtain a most suitable aid for exercising continually that perfect charity, by which in the priestly ministry they may become all things for all people. Let them realize with a most grateful heart that this state should be undertaken not only as prescribed by the law of the Church, but is to be humbly begged for as a most precious give of God, to which they should strive to respond freely and generously, with the help and impulse of the grace of the Holy Spirit. They ought rightly to acknowledge the duties and dignity of Christian matrimony, which is a sign of the love between Christ and the Church (cf. Eph 5:22-33), yet recognize the surpassing excellence of virginity consecrated to Christ, so that with a deliberate, mature and magnanimous choice, they may devote themselves to God with a complete gift of body and spirit. (Optatam Totius, n. 10.)

  • God's voice is discerned in the voice of conscience and prudence

    • Parents and teachers, and all who are in any way responsible for the education of children and youths, should instruct them in such a way that recognizing the sollicitude of the Lord for his flock, and considering the needs of the Church, they may be ready to respond generously to the calling of the Lord: "Behold, here I am, send me" (Is. 6:8). The voice of the Lord calling, however, should not in the least be expected to come to the ears of a future priest in some extraordinary manner. For it should rather by understood and judged by means of the signs by which the will of God becomes known every day to prudent Christians. These signs should be considered attentively by priests. (Presbyterorum Ordinis, n. 11)

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